MWN would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who attended our volunteer event at St Mary’s Churchyard on 2nd August. This goes out to those who were there on the day and also those who helped in other ways such as lending us equipment. This was the first stage in enacting the ecological management plan that has been drawn up for the site by Caring for God’s Acre.

A dozen organisations took part in some way inclusing Yorkshire Wildlife Trust (YWT) #TeamWilder, Grahame Construction Ltd, ERYC, Molescroft Parish Council, St Mary’s Church, Beverley in Bloom, Beverley Urban Gardeners (BUG), Bleach Yard Stables, Beverley Minster Eco Church, Molescroft Grange Community Allotments and Beverley Wombles. Thank you for spreading the word about the event. 

Over 30 Volunteers came from all over Beverely and Molescroft and collected 2 trailer loads of arisings (vegetation left after ERYC cut). It was hard work, the networking was great fun. This was real community in action.