The Molescroft Wildlife Network was started in Spring 2022 by three local residents, Sharon, Karyn and Helen. We care about our local community and the green spaces within it and want to make Molescroft Parish alive with wildlife.

Within this we aim to include wildlife which may be overlooked, looking to improve habitats for the less obvious flora and fauna such as insects and fungi.

We are also interested in our night-time creatures – we are blessed with barn owls, tawny owls, hedgehogs, bats, and nocturnal flowering wild plants locally, and want to ensure these can continue to thrive.

Our values are to not only help nature, but also, to enable local people to enjoy it – one of our aims is to inspire 1 in 4 Molescroft residents to learn about and take positive action for nature by 2030.

You can read more about what we do in the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust #TeamWilder case study.