Welcome to Molescroft Wildlife Network

The Molescroft Wildlife Network is a community group based in Molescroft Parish who are committed to working with local groups and organisations to protect, and renew nature in the parish. You will find details on who we are, how to contact us, and the three sites within the parish boundaries that we are currently working to improve along with partners such as Molescroft Parish Council, St Mary’s Church, East Riding of Yorkshire Council and the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust.

We wish to influence our Local Authority, Parish Council and local community organisations, helping them to consider biodiversity as a high priority within their site management plans, including a specific management plan for St Mary’s Graveyard on Molescroft Road.

We are in the process of setting up surveying activity to help establish a baseline of the existing flora and fauna within the parish as well as researching the ways in which we can enhance habitat areas to increase biodiversity. We aim to create new local networks and partnerships, such as those with “Friends of St Mary’s Graveyard” to work with the Church and local people with wildlife expertise to develop a plan for the Graveyard which incorporates specific wildlife objectives.

We are also looking to develop a Wildlife Education Forum for local schools and youth clubs, to help promote the educational potential within our local green spaces, support our schools to work collaboratively to share the wealth of knowledge and experience they each have, and support the engagement of children and young people in practical local conservation projects.

Dryad’s Saddle in St Mary’s Graveyard. Photo credit: (c) Helen Kitson