Molescroft Wildlife Network, recently put on a Hedgehog Highway Event at the Molescoft Pavilion, Beverley. We invited every household in Molescroft through a leafletting campaign. On the day we had several stalls which included Molescroft Wildlife Network, Wolds Hedgehog Rescue, the National Hedgehog Monitoring Project, HEY Smile Foundation Green and Blue Social Prescribing, hedgehog hibernacula construction, a display of emperor moths and childrens activities.

Throughout the day we had short presentations which were very well attended. This was our first event and we were all delighted how it went. We received many positive comments. One hundred and fifty people attended the day which was amazing. It was encouraging to see lots a happy, enthusiastic people enjoying conversation about hedgehogs and nature.

However, this would not have been possible without the help of Smile Hull Vault. We were loaned two collection boxes and were able to raise £40. Alongside this two display boards and an easel to provide information about the Molescroft Wildlife Network were provided by the Smile Hull Vault, which were amazing for community engagement.

However the biggest impact was the loan of a large projection screen and projector for our very well attended programme of presentations from the groups that also had stalls at the event. These were high quality items loaned, and in excellent condition and there’s no way that as a small group with limited funding so we would have been able to deliver an event as well as we did without these loans from Smile Vault Hull. The Vault is easy to use and collectionand return of items is straightforward.

A big thank you to The Vault and we look forward to out next event 2025!