Are you a local business owner? Are you interested in how you can integrate natural capital to improve your ESG stance?

What: Unlocking Nature’s Assets: How natural capital can help businesses become more economically and environmentally resilient

When: 9am – 11am, Thursday 6th June 2024

Where: Blake Conference Room, Canham Turner, University of Hull Campus, Cottingham Rd, Hull, HU6 7RX

Booking details: Humber Business Week

The aim of the event is to draw local businesses into the dialogue surrounding natural capital by demonstrating its inherent benefits. We will be using the example of the Blue Green Lab and how this can be replicated elsewhere to support flood resilience, improve water quality, promote biodiversity and increase wellbeing. Dr Robert Thomas, Senior Research Fellow at the EEI, will present on the university’s research in this area, joined by speakers from the Hull and East Yorkshire Local Nature Partnership (HEY LNP), who will set the scene with local examples of natural capital as well as a broader overview of the concept itself. The presentation will then be followed by a tour of university’s Blue Green Lab which will be led by Technology Transfer Assistant, Dr Josh Johnson.