Rewilding Yorkshire – lessons from the European mainland

Novembers YRN Network webinar is by York resident Rob Stoneman, Director of Landscape Recovery at The Wildlife Trusts with previous experience at Rewilding Europe and at the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust.

The talk will relate some of the work he was doing in Europe back to how it might be applied to Yorkshire. His talk will also include fun stories from his two years at Rewilding Europe and will bring it back to the work of organisations such as the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust

Sign up at the YRN events page:

Burial Ground Mapping (Caring for God’s Acre)

Caring For God’s Acre, the conservation charity for burial grounds across the UK, is a group that MWN interacts with regularly as we try to find ways to collaborate in Molescroft Parish.

Churches have substantial land holdings, including graveyards, and MWN is working with multiple partners to help improve biodiversity in St Mary’s Graveyard. However these sites need to be treated with a great deal and care and consideration for those that are buried there, and those that visit. Mapping these sites therefore serves multiple purposes.

Join Caring for God’s Acre as they explore the importance of mapping these burial grounds in a webinar presented by Tim Viney from Atlantic Geomatics who will provide an overview of the Church of England National Burial Grounds Survey project and will discuss why we need good maps of burial grounds, how they are created and integrated with records, and how they are updated.

Hull to allow ‘right to grow’ on unused council land

A number of news outlets have covered new legislation in Hull that would allow people to grow fruit, vegetables and pollinating plants on disused and unloved council land.

When allotments are scarce and councils don’t want to invest time in upkeep of shared spaced, there’s a real opportunity for community groups to step in and make a difference.

Choose your preferred news source: The Guardian or The Hull Daily Mail or the BBC.

State of Nature 2023: Plants and Fungi

Plantlife have released their “The State of Nature 2023” and is a stark call to action for our disappearing wild plants across the UK.
There are some stark headline figures associated with the report:

  • 54% of flowering plants and
  • 59% of mosses and liverworts

have declined in distribution across Great Britain since 1970. Also:

  • 28% of fungi are threatened with extinction

Obviously this really should be seen as a call to action for immediate steps to halt the decline. Nature restoration projects have been demonstrated to help reverse this in local areas, something that MWN take to heart.

2023 Big Butterfly Count Results

The results of Butterfly Conservation’s Big Butterfly Count 2023 have been released, revealing a better picture for butterflies than had been feared.

Although the headline figures look good, with an increase from the previous years surveys this is offset against a declining general trend in butterfly numbers, with species dynamics changing in response to climate change.

Check out the full story on the results at Butterfly Conservation.

MWN at Beverley Eco Fair

Molescroft Wildlife Network were invited by Yorkshire Wildlife Trust to share their presentation stage and stall at the Beverley Ecofair in October. Held at Beverley Minster, the Eco Fair also featured the Gaia artwork by Luke Jerram, a seven metre wide illuminated globe created from detailed NASA imagery of the Earth’s surface.

Over three thousand people attended and Helen and Angie were kept busy on the stall, with Dan’s slideshow of our activities playing all day. Helen also joined the #TeamWilder talk from the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust to highlight the benefits of working together for nature.

YRN Webinar: Trying to bring back the beaver

Catch up with a free Yorkshire Rewilding Network webinar presented by Derek Gow.

Derek Gow is a farmer turned nature conservationist who is not only in the process of rewilding some of his 300 acre farm, but has played and continues to play a significant role in the reintroduction of the Eurasian beaver, the water vole, and the white stork to England. A well-known author on such topics, and favourite of government agencies, he is currently working on a reintroduction project to re-establish the wildcat in England.