YWT Wild Events Guide

The Yorkshire Wildlife Trust have just published their 2024 “Wild Events Guide” that runs from April through to September this year.

Brimming and buzzing with exciting places to explore across Yorkshire and stunning wildlife to discover with the YWT team. Find glimmering glow worms in Leeds, enjoy the soothing sounds of the dawn chorus in Doncaster or meet Flamborough’s colourful puffins.

Download the guide from the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust.

Happy Easter from MWN!

Molescroft Wildlife Network has had a busy few months. Thanks to a Community Action Grant from East Riding Council & HEY Smile Foundation we:

  • Produced a leaflet, thank you to Yorkshire Wildlife Trust for the help their wonderful design team gave us (please see below)
  • Volunteers delivered the leaflet to 3500 houses in 2 weeks, thanks to the swift work by volunteers from the Beverley Wombles, Civic Society, Molescroft Parish Councillors and MWN
  • We are arranging a Molescroft Hedgehog drop in fun day event on Sat 6 April. Ann Day from Wolds Hedgehog Rescue will be our keynote speaker. Thank you to Jo Rawson & Andy Steele, (YWT #TeamWilder),  Lucy Baldwin (North & East Yorkshire Ecological Data Centre), Anthony Hurd (Smile Foundation, Green and Blue Social Prescribing), and many others who have been very supportive and are contributing to this. 

The funding received from Molescroft Parish Council has enabled 2 Ecological Recovery Management plans to be commissioned. Recommendations are being drawn up by:

  • Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, for the Millennium Wildlife Haven 
  • Caring for God’s Acre, for St Mary’s Graveyard, Molescroft Road

Thank you to Molescroft Parish Council, St Mary’s Church and ERYC for their support with these. 

It has been remarkable how friendly and supportive individuals and organisations have been, it’s inspiring, thank you. 

The Great Big Nature Survey

The Wildlife Trusts want to hear your opinions on some of the biggest questions surrounding nature and our collective role in caring for it.

  • How often do you spend time in nature, if at all?
  • Is nature important to you? If so, how important?
  • What, if any, roles should people, business, and government have in managing nature?

The Wildlife Trusts are running this survey to find out what people in the UK really think about nature and how we, as a society, should protect it. Results also help The Wildlife Trusts to hold the government to account over its environmental policies and priorities.

Please take the time to fill in the survey!

YRN Webinar – Community rewilding – panel discussion

Join YWN for a live online discussion in which you will hear from a range of community rewilding groups across the region, discussing how they got started, their aspirations, challenges and suggestions about how others can get involved.

MWN’s own Karyn will be on the panel, talking about the genesis, successes and future plans of Molescroft Wildlife Network.

Please register to attend on the YRN website!!! and save the date! 28th February, 7.30pm.

The Nextdoor Nature Hub

The Wildlife Trusts has a really great set of resources for how to help nature in your neighbourhood at the Nextdoor Nature Hub. Obviously the easiest way to help out in Molescroft is to join the Molescroft Wildlife Network, but if you’re not in Molescroft Parish you will find all kinds of useful links from how to make birdboxes, to how to develop community groups focused on nature, and see amazing stories about local action for a nature positive world.